Can I Wear a Dress During My Period

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That wet, cramping feeling girls get once a month can be hard to cope with. There are easy ways to help minimize the discomfort so that you can get on with doing the things you love most!


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    Choose the best protection for you. There are a variety of products designed for different flows and different stages of your period. The best way to work out which products are best for you is to work out what type of flow you have (light, normal or heavy.) Keep in mind, your flow can differ at different days of your period. So, try out different products until you find some which you are happy with. You should also consider your daily activities. If you are very active and/or participate in regular sporting activities, pads will be very uncomfortable so opt for a tampon or menstrual cup.[1]

    • Panty liners: For use just before and at the end of a period when there is very little flow, but still enough blood to stain your underwear. Usually quite discrete. Can also be used as extra protection when using a tampon.
    • Normal pads: For use during your period. Come in a range of absorbencies so there should always be something to suit you. Usually quite discrete except the higher absorbency pads are longer and therefore may be harder to hide with clothes like leggings or tight pants. You can sometimes get leaking over the sides of the pad.
    • Winged pads: The same as normal pads, but with wings that fold under your underwear to prevent movement and spillage over the sides of your underwear.
    • Non-applicator tampons: Secure, and few leaks as long as you have the right absorbency. Smaller and therefore more discreet than pads and applicator tampons. Can take some practice to insert properly. Must have clean hands before using. Must change after at least 8 hours because they're linked to an illness - Toxic Shock Syndrome.[2]
    • Applicator tampons: Easier to insert thanks to the applicator. Less discreet although some are in smaller packaging than others. Come in a heavier absorbency than non-applicator tampons. Should still have clean hands before using, but it's less of a risk if you don't. Must be changed within 8 hours due to TSS.
    • "Menstrual Cups": Menstrual cups are made of silicone, rubber or TPP. They are folded and inserted into the vagina where they collect the menstrual blood. When it's time to change it, you empty into the toilet, rinse it and reinsert it. They can be worn for 12 hours and have no reported link to Toxic Shock Syndrome.[3]
    • "Cloth Menstrual Pads": Work the same way as normal or winged pads, but you wash them and reuse them. Come in any shape or length you want and come in a range of fabrics. Look for 'wicking' top fabrics to feel dry.
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    Keep a record of when your periods start and finish. After a while you might be able to see a pattern which will help you to predict when your next period will be. You could even use a period tracking app, like Clue.[4] Being prepared for your period will help because it's less likely that you'll be caught by surprise when you're out and about. Don't worry if you can't see any regular patterns, in young females it can take a few years until the menstrual cycle finally settles into a regular pattern. In some people, periods never become completely regular.[5]

    • If your periods are usually predictable but you notice some changes such as a missed period or a shorter-than-usual period, visit your doctor to check nothing is wrong. Be especially cautious if you've had unprotected sex with males.
    • If you have very irregular periods and you started your periods more than a couple of years ago, visit your doctor to check for any problems, and if necessary, to find a way to regulate your periods.[6]


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    Always have emergency supplies in your bag. Especially if you are 'due on' any time soon. Keep a bag with a some protection of your choice (sanitary pads/tampons), some painkillers and a couple of coins just in case you need to buy some pads/tampons from a machine. Some other optional things which you could keep in it are; some nappy bags to dispose of used sanitary protection in a nice hygienic way if you have to change at someone else's house, a small pack of wipes to clean up if your period came unexpectedly, and a pair of clean underwear to change into if you've got blood on your underwear. If you have a purse, you could put this bag in it. If you are in school, you could keep this bag in your locker.

    • If you do come on your period when you have no supplies with you, just go to the toilet, clean yourself up, wrap some toilet roll around your hand again and again until you have a good amount and flatten it. Put in your underwear as a make-shift pad until you can get hold of one. If it happens at school, the infirmary often has a supply of sanitary pads (it happens to many students). Or, you could try asking your female friends, chances are someone will have some or will know someone who does.
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    Dress sensibly. Wear black or navy blue pants/shorts/skirts if you are worried about blood showing up. Wearing a skirt or dress could make you feel self-conscious because you feel exposed. If the weather is hot, opt for a pair of shorts instead because this will feel more secure. If you have a uniform that requires you wear a skirt or dress, either wear a pair of tight shorts, which are shorter than your skirt, underneath, or, wear tights with your skirt just so you don't feel as exposed.

    • If you have a leak onto your pants or skirt that is visible, a quick fix to hide it is to wrap a cardigan, coat or jumper around your waist to hide it until you can get a change of clothes.
    • Wear sensible underwear. There's no point in wearing lingerie when you're on your period. Choose a pair of comfortable panties that are big enough to comfortably wear with a sanitary pad. Preferably choose some that are a dark color so that any leaks won't stain your underwear.
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    Change your pad/tampon regularly. This will prevent you from worrying about any smells or discomfort that can occur after a while. Pads should be changed about every 2-6 hours depending on your flow (heavier flows mean you should change them more often). Tampons can be left for up to 8 hours without any hassle but be careful not to leave it in for much longer than 8 hours. However, if you have a heavy flow, avoid leaving a tampon in for more than 3 hours.[7]

    • If you need to leave class to go and sort out period problems, just ask to go to the toilet as you normally would. If your teacher says no, wait for a moment when you can talk to them quietly and just say that you have "lady problems" that need sorting out or "Aunt Flo is in", "the painters are in", etc,. Don't be embarrassed to say something to your teacher, male or female.
    • As a sneaky way of getting to the toilet without anyone knowing why you're going, stick your pad/tampon in your bra or in the waistband of your trousers so that no-one sees you with it in your hand.
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    Find a way of dealing with the pain. Period pains are caused by muscle contractions in your uterine walls. If you get cramps in your lower back, those are like mini-contractions.[8] Yes, contractions the same as in childbirth. Different methods work for different people when trying to reduce the pain. Try out different painkillers, (not at the same time), for example paracetamol, ibuprofen or painkillers with ingredients aimed at period pain. Remember, even if a medicine isn't packaged as being for menstrual pain, it will still work. Companies will often sell the same exact thing for a higher price by calling it a period product. Bear in mind that painkillers aren't effective for everyone. Another thing which can help is mild exercise, even though it's probably the last thing you feel like doing when you are in pain. Exercise releases endorphins, a hormone which reduces the affects of stress, which will help to overcome the pain, and the moodiness which sometimes comes with periods. Another option is to have a warm bath or to hold a hot water bottle to your stomach. The warmth soothes the pain for a while, although it's not removing the pain.[9]

    • If you have severe pain that is so bad it causes you to take time off school/work, and/or that lasts for more than a couple of days of your period, go to your doctor to make sure there are no issues. You could have a period disorder like endometriosis.[10]
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  • Blood comes out of clothes best with cold water.

  • Every female goes through it so don't worry.

  • Don't worry if your pants get ruined, it happens to everyone! No one can say it doesn't happen to them. Its impossible. So don't feel disgusted with yourself!


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